Did you know that you can use the pit of an avocado to grow an avocado plant? When you cut an avocado in half you often throw away the stone. But this is a shame because you can grow a free avocado plant. Just make sure there is no pulp left on the fruit. You can brush it off under the kitchen tap with just water. Then you take a glass with water or a jar and put the stone in it. Then you poke with 4 toothpicks in the middle of this pit. Make sure you place it in the sun and you will see it grow.

How to care for an avocado plant

An avocado plant likes wet feet. Make sure you water it regularly and better a little too much than a little too little. It also likes to be in the zone. Find a good spot where you can place it, for example on a windowsill or something similar. With every 15 centimetres the plant grows, you can cut off the leaves at the side. This way you make sure the plant does not only grow in length but also in width. Do not start cutting until 30 centimetres. Only then will it have a stable base to fall back on. In the summer you can even put the plant outside. It will do even better here. The avocados it produces are a lot smaller. But the taste is ten times better according to most.

The benefits

With your own avocado plant you can enjoy avocados all year round. They grow like cabbage but are usually a bit smaller than in the store. The advantage of this is that they are often much tastier. A home grown product has in most cases a better taste. This is also because it does not have to be transported for days before it reaches you in the fridge. In terms of care it is also an easy plant. The only thing it needs is enough sunlight and lots of water.

Where to buy an avocado plant

You can often buy an avocado plant at a garden centre. It is important that you repot it on time. The plant itself can grow quite tall, so you will need a large pot. It is smart to put the plant outside in the summer. During the summer days it will get a lot of sunlight. But in the winter it is best to keep it inside. It is important that it gets enough sunlight. Put it on the window-sill so it catches as much light as possible. They also love water. Make sure this plant always has wet feet, so to speak. It is also wise to cut off the rotten leaves at a height of 30 cm. This way he can grow in length and width.

How long does an avocado plant last?

An avocado plant can last for years. It also depends on how far you let it grow. When it is placed inside many people choose to keep it nice and short. But when you place it outside it can get very big. This also makes for a lot of avocados to harvest. It is important to water these plants in time. They love a wet soil. You can also give them some nutrition. You will notice that the plant will grow. The avocado is originally from South America so they really enjoy the heat.

The step-by-step plan

To grow your own avocado plant you only need the stone of an avocado. You have to clean the stone under the tap. It is possible that not all the flesh comes loose. Make sure you pull it out if necessary before putting it in a pot or glass with water. Then you can prick 4 holes in it with a toothpick. It is best to do this in the middle. Then you only have to put it in the sun until it starts to grow. When it becomes flat, you can repot it. Then you do not have to do much about it, just water it and leave it in the sun. It is fairly easy to make the plant grow.

Caring for an avocado plant

It is important that you take good care of an avocado plant. It likes a lot of water and enough sunlight. This is because the origin of the avocado is in South America. Therefore they love a warm and humid climate. If you like you can give the plant nutrition every now and then. This will make it grow even faster. It is a good idea to remove the rotten leaves every 15 cm. In this way it can grow both in width and length. And of course you will get a nice full tree.


Growing your own avocado plant is not that difficult. But it is also nice that you get all small avocados. The taste is much better. And the plant itself does not require much maintenance. The only thing this plant needs is enough water. And of course you have to place it in the sun.